Subhadeep Bhattacharyya



As a part of this coursework project, I designed a native Android application, that will find the top restaurant in a city of user's choice based on their sorting criteria and sorting order. For building this application I extended the Zomato API and accessed it through REST calls using a webservice deployed on Heroku.

The Android application would make REST calls to the webservice passing the values selected by the user as query parameters along with device model and android version. Once the data was recieved by the webservice, it would store the parsed Json data in Mongo DB and pass the response to the Android application as an XML. The Android application would parse the XML to display the final results to the user.

In addition to the android application, I also created a basic data analytics page which can be used to view most searched cities, most preferred sort parameters and would also maintain a log of all requests and response. The webpage is currently deployed into Heroku. You can view it here.

Technologies Used:

  • Role: Developer
  • Event: Coursework
  • Location: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
  • Year: Fall 2017

Project 03a
The selection parameters
Project 03b
Cities served by the App
Project 03b
Ascending Order Of Rating
Project 03e
Descending Order Of Rating
Project 03c
Mongo DB Implementation in Heroku